Program of Activities
According to the California FFA Curricular Code, “FFA Chapters use their Program of Activities (POA) to plan and develop their goals for the year. A well-planned and well-executed program of activities can help students develop their leadership and planning skills. These skills are essential in all careers; developing and conducting the POA provides students the opportunity to prepare for their futures.”
As a chapter, we are revamping our leadership structure in an effort to match the standards for committee organization at the National Level, as well as be able to provide more opportunities for members to step into leadership positions in an effort to increase the quality and number of our activities overall. All that to say this... the POA is going to look a little different! We have adapted to the expectations of National FFA, and our Program of Activities will now simply contain information on the year's activities, and the committees which are responsible for putting them on. The standard informational sections of our past POAs, has been moved to a separate book, which will contain our programmatic information that is not expected to change year to year. Check out our POA by clicking the button below! You can also find a printed version of our Program Information book in any Ag Teacher's classroom, in the Lincoln High School Office, and at the WPUSD District Offices, or you can download the digital version by clicking the button below!
As a chapter, we are revamping our leadership structure in an effort to match the standards for committee organization at the National Level, as well as be able to provide more opportunities for members to step into leadership positions in an effort to increase the quality and number of our activities overall. All that to say this... the POA is going to look a little different! We have adapted to the expectations of National FFA, and our Program of Activities will now simply contain information on the year's activities, and the committees which are responsible for putting them on. The standard informational sections of our past POAs, has been moved to a separate book, which will contain our programmatic information that is not expected to change year to year. Check out our POA by clicking the button below! You can also find a printed version of our Program Information book in any Ag Teacher's classroom, in the Lincoln High School Office, and at the WPUSD District Offices, or you can download the digital version by clicking the button below!