What Are SAEs?
Lincoln FFA strives to maintain excellence in all aspects of our member’s lives as students within our organization. Supervised Agricultural Experience (S.A.E.) / Fair Projects give members an opportunity to practice "learn by doing" and gain skills such as responsibility, dedication and patience. By enrolling in an agriculture class, one is required to spend the minimum number of hours in an experience, given by the advisor, on an SAE project. A SAE project can be any agriculturally related project a student is engaged in outside of scheduled class time. Whether the individual owns a garden, manages a livestock breeding program, is in charge of the yard work around the house, or works at a feed store, the individual is working in an SAE project. Hours, income, and expenses are to be recorded in a student's AET Record book using the AET online system, which should be updated at least every 2 weeks. FFA members wishing to show at either of the county fairs that our Chapter is a part of (Placer County Fair and Gold Country Fair), must maintain a 2.0 GPA during the spring semester, have no behavioral issues and be in good standing with the Lincoln FFA Chapter. Lastly, Lincoln FFA also requires that members wishing to show at fair are in attendance of at least 50% of the Chapter Meetings throughout the school year leading up to fair. Through establishing an SAE project one can learn budgeting, time management, and how to run a double entry record book. SAE projects expand a student's knowledge of agriculture and open up doors of opportunity through project competition and proficiency award areas
Acceptable SAE Projects *This is not a complete list, only some of the possible projects students can become involved with!
Entrepreneurship Projects (Ownership):
Unacceptable SAE Projects*This is not a complete list, only some of the possible projects
Download the List HereAgriculture Work Experience (Placement):