SAEs by Category
The State & National FFA Associations outline many ways to categorize SAE projects. To help our Lincoln FFA Members and their Families make better connections with their SAE project and get better assistance, we have our own break down of SAE categories, and an Advisor that oversees that type.
Livestock Projects
If your project involves you working directly with livestock, whether as a fair project, a part time job, or your own enterprise, you should work with the advisor that oversees your specie. They will be the best person to connect with when you have questions about;
Beef - Mrs. Killingsworth
Goats - Mrs. Killingsworth Sheep - Mrs. Armistead Small Animals - Mrs. Armistead Swine - Mr. Hess |
Placement Projects; Paid or Unpaid Work
If your project involves you being an employee of an agricultural based business, in which your job is directly related to agriculture, you have what we call a "Placement" project. Placement projects can either be paid or unpaid. Some members are employees of ag businesses such as feed stores, equestrian centers, farming operations, etc. They work with some form of consistency, and receive a paycheck for their efforts. Some members are regular volunteers at some agricultural enterprise, such as an agriculture education facility, animal / vet hospital, etc. They work with some form of consistency, but do not receive a paycheck for their efforts. Both paid and unpaid placement projects can be suitable SAEs. The best person to connect with when you have questions about your placement project is Mr. Willhite
Ownership/Entrepreneurship Projects
Ownership/Entrepreneurship projects are those that involve you being the "owner" of the business or enterprise. Many different types of projects can fall into Placement or Ownership. For instance, if you work in landscape management, your project would be placement if: you are an employee, and there is someone above you that makes decisions. Your project would be ownership if: You are the person in charge and making decisions, there is no one above you. Other ownership projects include things like showing an animal for the fair, owning your own agriculturally based business, etc. If your ownership project involves livestock, see the Livestock section to find your advisor based on your specie. If your Ownership project does not involve livestock, talk to your current ag teacher about your project, and they will connect you with the best teacher for your specific enterprise.
Agricultural Mechanics Projects
If your SAE project involves agricultural mechanics work, whether you are building something, repairing something, maintaining something, etc. your contact will be Mr. Hess for welding, automotive, fabrication, metal based work, or Mr. Walker for wood/construction based work.
Agriscience Research Projects
If your project involves researching an agricultural phenomenon or issue, you have an Agriscience project. These projects have a wide range of topics and types. If you have an Agriscience Project, you should contact your current ag teacher about your project, and they will connect you with the best teacher for your specific project.