Introduction to Agriculture - 9th
This class is taught at the high school farm and is a logical starting point for students interested in the pathways within the agriculture program. Students will be introduced to the importance of sustainable agriculture through plant and animal science topics as well as agriculture and natural resources. In addition, students will begin exploring agricultural welding and mechanics. Topics will also include units on FFA, record keeping and careers within agriculture.
Welding - 10th / 11th / 12th
Agricultural Welding courses provide students an opportunity to learn the practices and technical practice of welding processes used in agricultural fields. Students will be exposed to mechanical, electrical and thermal power that are associated with the field of agricultural welding. This class is based around more complex positions of the processes that were learned in welding one. Project fabrication and certification are introduced through project proposals, sketches and budgeting, and fabrication and layout. Students must complete a project or AWS certification, and presentation.
Advanced Agriculture Welding - 11th / 12th
This a design and fabrication class. Students must complete a yearlong project or AWS certification, and exhibition.
Advanced Agricultural Mechanics - 11th / 12th
This class is recommended for students interested in the field of equipment operation, repair, and maintenance as a career. It is co-enrolled with Advanced Ag Welding, making this a two-period experience. Topics covered include these basics;
- Diesel Engine Technology
- Identification of heavy agriculture and construction equipment including tractors, trucks, and small equipment
- Careers in the field
- Career readiness
- Equipment upkeep and maintenance
- Equipment repair / restoration / refinishing
- Safety Training
- Hand signaling
- Equipment operation basics
- Basic land measurement and leveling including field calculations
- Electrical repair and control wiring for equipment and structures
- Basic diagnostics
- Loading and securing loads
Although not required, it is strongly recommended that you are a licensed driver to get the most out of this course.
- Diesel Engine Technology
- Identification of heavy agriculture and construction equipment including tractors, trucks, and small equipment
- Careers in the field
- Career readiness
- Equipment upkeep and maintenance
- Equipment repair / restoration / refinishing
- Safety Training
- Hand signaling
- Equipment operation basics
- Basic land measurement and leveling including field calculations
- Electrical repair and control wiring for equipment and structures
- Basic diagnostics
- Loading and securing loads
Although not required, it is strongly recommended that you are a licensed driver to get the most out of this course.
Agriculture / Farm Internship - 11th / 12th
Students who have completed an agriculture pathway are eligible to become an Agriculture Intern. These experiences are based on student interest and availability at the high school farm